Tracy Smith » Biography


Tracy Smith received her Bachelor’s degree in General Education & Special Education from the University of Texas at Austin in 1991. She completed her Master’s degree in Educational Administration at Angelo State University in 2015. 

Mrs. Smith has taught in Austin, Georgetown, and here in San Antonio.  She served in the field of Special Education for several years in a variety of settings.  She transitioned into the role of classroom teacher, where she taught Language Arts and Social Studies in Middle School, as well as in several elementary grades.  During her last few years as a classroom professional, she taught second and third grade. Throughout her 27 years of educational experience, she also worked as an educational consultant, conducting workshops for other educators across Central Texas.  She has held several supervisory positions and is currently one of the Vice Principals at EKHLA, focusing on grades K-2.

          She is very lucky to have all of her family here in San Antonio: husband Wayne, daughters Jordann and Kassidy, and grandson Baylin.  She enjoys cooking, gardening, outdoor activities, and writing.  Some favorite times are family game nights and vacations. “I love teaching because I truly enjoy seeing a student’s eyes light up when they get an “aha” moment and a new avenue in their thought process opens up. I consider it a gift to be a part of these moments.”